Offshore Insurance Companies and Insurance Licenses
Offshore insurance companies are among the most up to date tools in tax planning and tax optimization. Offshore insurance companies enjoy the liberal environment of the offshore system and legislation.
Offshore insurance companies offer several types of licenses which include:
General Unrestricted License
A full international offshore insurance license having no limitations of activities. Insurance and re-insurance can be offered without any restrictions, including providing life policies.
Restricted Offshore License
Specific limitations apply. For example, marketing restrictions, upper limit for maximum amount of insurance policies, foreign exchange restrictions, not providing life policies, etc.
Restricted In-House License
Holders of this license can offer insurance services to a specific group of individuals or legal entities stated in the license.
Re-Insurance License
Insurance products are sold to clients and the re-insurance company secures the policy through a licensed provider, often at wholesale price.
The main characteristics of offshore insurance licenses include:
- Minimal license fees
- Minimal establishment fees
- Minimal capital requirements
- Minimal intervention by authorities and institutions
- Tax exemption of direct taxes
- Not subject oto foreign exchange restrictions
- Licenses are easily available
- No capital adequacy maintenance restrictions
If you have questions about insurances companies please contact us.