Offshore financial licenses, Off-shore finance companies, Off shore financing institutions
A non-bank financial institution is a financial institution that does not have a full banking license or is not supervised by a national or international banking regulatory agency. Examples of these finance entities include currency exchangers, ecurrency companies, offshore brokerage and forex clearing houses, credit unions, ecurrency and currency exchangers, money transmitters, gold, silver and precious metals sellers, money lenders etc.
Offshore finance companies or off-shore financial institutions are usually registered in offshore jurisdictions where there is legislation in place for such licenses. Offshore financial centers are usually a no-tax or low-tax, lightly regulated.
TTUZA can set up the following offshore finance entities
- New Zealand offshore finance company
- New Zealand FSP
- Off-shore Belize brokerage, forex and lending companies
- Off shore Mauritius brokerage, forex
- Swedish Trust Company
- Sweden Credit Union
- Panama Offshore Finance Companies
- Switzerland Trust Company
- BVI Brokerage Licensed Companies
- Offshore Money Lender License
- Seychelles offshore license of investment management and advice
- Offshore IT finance company
If you need more info about off-shore financial licenses or if financial solution you are interested in is not listed please contact us.